
As Time Passes: Chapter 1

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Rokujo Miharu had fallen into a spiral of conflict and emotions the moment Yoite walked into his life. He watched the things around him change, slowly, but surely.

The friends he had once made started to unfurl themselves from the young adults and teens they started out as into proper human beings with a life to look forward to.

Since gaining freedom from the Wakachi and Kairoshuu, Gau worked in a shop, and with Raimei and Raikou's help, saved up enoughmoneyto change his last name to 'Shimizu' in a symbolic, secretive marriage to the oldest living member of the family.

Though Koichi and Shirajima had disappeared, untraceable, Miharu had seen the youngest Shimizu stare up at the skies in hopes of seeing a white owl looking down at her.

Kazuho and her husband were happily married, and were even planning on a child by now; the young woman still always harassing her brother.

The Nabari no Ou was visited frequently by Thobari, and even Kotarou, though the visits didn't last long due to the young man's inability to stand the Fuuma leader.

And then there was Yoite...


The others had left late the next day, Miharu mulling over Thobari's invite to come over to his and Hana's home for Shōgatsu*.

Gau and Raikou had taken to the idea, and promised to go, but Raimei said she had other plans. Yuikimi said he would be spending time with Kazuho and her husband, but he promised to stop by.

The house was now empty, with Miharu watching Yukimi shoo Raikou from the driver's seat and taking the wheel himself; Yoite had gone to the kitchen and started the heating water, ready for the warm lemon-aid recipe he'd memorized by now.

Miharu turned his eyes back into the uncomfortably large house to see his lover, a hand pressed against his head for a moment.

"Are you alright...?"

"Just a headache. Staying up late, getting up early, not enough water..." Miharu trailed off a bit to think as he grabbed his own mug and set it near the coffee machine that was currently being used to heat water for the warm drink. "What do you think about going to the "Over-Ground"?" he asked with a small smile at their nickname for the world out there, outside of Nabari, the home they had become accustomed to; though both had been born outside of their new world themselves.

"It would be nice I guess." the dark haired mans voice had never gotten louder, like Miharu thought it would as he grew more sociable. "It would be nice to go out..."

Yoite completely understood the younger ninja; though the thoughts about the house being too big for two people had been private until it came up last night. He had assumed that the once completely apathetic brunette was at a good comfort zone here, but more than half the rooms were empty, filled only with rarely used guest beds, or untouched book shelves.

"You'll have to spend time with Thobari." Miharu teased lightly, looking up as the light on the machine went from red to blue.

Despite all that had happened, Thobari still watched Yoite like a hawk, though nowadays it was more like an over-protective brother* or father than a Guardian ready to kill the obsidian.

"But Hana will be there." The long haired woman had taken to Yoite in a manner that the Ex-Kira-User probably found to be closest to a mother. He moved the mug closer and started drinking the sweet scented drink. It pained Miharu's heart a bit to remember scent, sight and hearing were all Yoite had left... even still, his sight and hearing went now and then.

Shaking his head free of the dreadful thoughts, he grabbed the mug, taking a sip and letting his nerves relax with the heat flowing through him. Green eyes glanced at the taller man, smiling when he saw his tinted hands cup the mug close to feel the heat, a pleased look on his face it flowed through his naturally chilled body.

"...If it isn't snowing too badly later, we should take a walk. The stream nearby hasn't frozen over yet."

The taller man nodded.


Miharu moved through the dead trees and winter grass* to the stream, leading Yoite by his gloved hand.

The sound of the water moving against snowy banks and the first signs of ice were still close, with pines around them to block most of the chilly wind.

Yoite's blue eyes stayed on the brunette in front of him. Miharu really had grown over the years; the top of his head met the end of his nose now. Which, thankfully, made things a bit easier, instead of when they were younger when he would lean down and Miharu was on his toes just for a kiss.

Small memories like those brought contentment to the dark haired man easily, so larger things that Miharu tried to do for both of them- even just this alone, this walk- made him feel a bit lost. It always felt like the younger was trying to give him so much, as if to make up for all the damage already dealt in his life.

It wasn't necessary anymore, now that he had Miharu.

"Wow..." Yoite's breath misted into the air as the two ninja stopped to overlook a clearing on the other side of the calm water. A large Sika* buck was staring at them, standing in front of a doe and fawn. His head shook as he tried to dislodge some of the soft snow from his antlers. It was the doe who started to move the young fawn out of the human's eyes, out of danger, but the large buck stayed, watching until he was alone.

Miharu's thoughts went back to last night. Yoite had said yes, they should think about a child... He knew Yoite was infertile as a woman, so naturally adoption was the only way. Had he really been alright with the idea?

Green eyes wandered to the darkly dressed man, opening his mouth to lightly bring the subject up again, before he doubled over harshly into the snow, clutching his stomach.

"Miharu!" The buck moved off, not pleased with the loud noises.
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*The Japanese New Year (正月 shōgatsu?) is one of the most important annual festivals, with its own unique customs, and has been celebrated for centuries. Due to the importance of the holiday and the preparations required, the preceding days are quite busy, particularly the day before, known as Ōmisoka.

*Thobari was only a teenager when he met Miharu, who was four or five. Welcome to the modern world where that's siblings age.

*Winter grass is real. Just to get in some clarification. I don't remember the exact name, but this grass just dies in the summer and lives in winter, I have gotten stupid stuff from idiots about this before.

*Sika Deer, also known as the Spotted Deer or the Japanese Deer, is a species of deer native to much of East Asia and introduced to various other parts of the world. Previously found from northern Vietnam in the south to the Russian Far East in the north, it is now on the brink of extinction in all areas except Japan, where the species is overabundant. Its name comes from shika (鹿), the Japanese word for "deer".

+****+The Japanese text just says "Cinema", nothing that has anything to do with the story.

Hinted past YukimixRaikou
KoichixRaimei [Not too much both characters annoy me....]

Nabari no Ou FF

I dedicate this chapter to Voltage Mountain Dew, Caramel Popcorn, and Skrillex's "Cinema" for keeping me awake for this.
© 2011 - 2024 Highwind-Sniper
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